Legally, there are certain conditions that you need to meet before carrying a firearm in Colorado. Otherwise, you will be facing criminal charges in court. Luckily, you can obtain pretrial release with the help of a professionalĀ bondsman DenverĀ if ever you are caught violating the Colorado gun law. Aside from crimes that can be performed with a firearm such as assault, homicide, and robbery, here is the list of some of the other possible gun crimes and offenses in Colorado. Unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon A weapon will be considered concealed…
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As of January 1, 2014, it has become legal in Denver for adults over 21 to purchase marijuana for recreational use at licensed retail stores. However, there are very strict rules when it comes to the consumption of marijuana. If caught violating any of these laws, you or your loved one or family member could be sent to jail. In that case, you will then be subjected to Denver bail policies in order to be released. To avoid getting penalized or detained, here are the most important things to remember…
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In America, laws are created to protect the rights of every citizen, including the rights of individuals that are arrested for committing various crimes. Under American laws, every defendant or suspect of a criminal offense is given certain rights including the right to remain silent and the right to a fair trial. Aside from the Miranda rights recited by police officers in front of arrested suspects, there are actually 5 more basic rights granted to every individual when they get arrested. These are: The Right to Post Bail at Reasonable…
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