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August 2021

24 7 bail bonds

Are you committing the Crime of Stalking? Here’s a Checklist for you.

By Bail Bonds
In our modern world today, stalking means checking the social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok of people you are curious about or someone you aspire to be. This may be a harmless thing and at some point, all people do it. However, stalking becomes a felony crime when it becomes a predatory behavior that involves a credible threat and bothering behavior. This is far more serious than just stalking your ex’s new girlfriend on Instagram. If it involves disturbing and repeated behavior, you might be facing…
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24 hour bail bonds

Colorado’s Common Types Of Pleas

By Bail Bonds
When someone is arrested, the prosecutor or the defense attorney may initiate a plea offer. According to the rule 11 of the Colorado Rules And Criminal Procedures, the “taking” of a plea provides for these three common types of plea options: Not Guilty Plea  Guilty Plea Alford Plea Not Guilty Plea When a plea of not guilty is initiated, this means that the defendant is stating that he or she is innocent of all the charges filed against him or her. The defendant’s constitutional right to be presumed innocent and…
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