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Probation is a term that is frequently used in legal circles. Many people, however, are unclear about what it is, how infractions are handled, and whether or not bail is still an option after a violation. 

At Denver jail bond we are happy to answer any questions you may have about bail bonds and bail bond terms. Here’s a look at how breaching probation can affect a person’s ability to obtain a bail bond.

What exactly is probation?

Probation is imposed on someone who has been released from jail but has not yet completed their legal process.

Instead of doing time in prison, an offender on probation is placed under close supervision and is required to follow court requirements such as rehabilitation, therapy, and regular check-ins with parole officers.

What is a probation violation?

So, what constitutes a probation violation? A violation, like other legal concerns, is based on what a person had to comply with in order to avoid going to jail. 

The following are some of the most typical probation violations, for more information about the Denver jail bond services:

  • A probation officer’s appointment was missed.
  • Having a positive drug or alcohol test
  • Leaving the state without first consulting your probation officer or the courts
  • Attendance at court-ordered therapy
  • Defaulting on fine payments

What happens if you break your probation the first time?

The judge’s punishment will be satisfied and over if the probationer successfully completes their probation. After then, the defendant can put their legal problems behind them and move on with their lives. If probation is broken, however, the judge may refuse bail, rendering the probation breach bail issue moot. Any or all of the following steps could be taken by the judge:

  • Probationary period lengthening
  • Changing the probation’s rules, terms, and conditions
  • Counseling should be ordered in accordance with the original offense (alcohol, drug, anger management, etc.)
  • Ordering that jail time be served, followed by additional probation.
  • imposing increased fines and restitution
  • Probation revocation and sentencing

The judge will set the probation violation bail, with the district attorney and probation officer weighing in on the decision. If you have a criminal defense attorney representing you, they will also be present at that meeting.

The judge will decide if a person is eligible for probation violation bail. If the probationer’s bail is denied, he or she may be arrested and taken to jail.

Is it possible to receive a bail bond after violating probation? 

It is possible to obtain a bail bond for an arrest following a probation violation. If someone is arrested for violating their probation, the facts of the charges will largely influence whether or not a court would grant bail.

If the judge grants a violation bail, the judge will take into account the fact that the initial bond failed to prevent you from violating probation.

As a result, a violation bond will almost certainly be far greater than the first bond and will come with very tight release terms.

Fortunately, a good Denver bonds business can assist a defendant even when a greater bail sum is approved.

To conclude

Understanding and dealing with probation and probation violations can be difficult. Although it is generally preferable to prevent probation violations, circumstances can always develop that can lead to a probation violation. If you find yourself in this scenario, a skilled bondsman in Denver bonds can assist you.