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Do you know what’s the worst thing that could happen to a person? Aside from being judged by a bunch of people for ordering extra whip on their Frappuccino, getting arrested and being thrown in jail is the worst thing a person can experience. 

Every person who gets thrown in jail wants to get out of there fast. Who would want to spend a night in jail, right? The easiest way for a person to do this is by posting a bail which is the money that they must pay to be released from police custody. Bail is not a fine nor a punishment, but it serves as an assurance that the defendant will appear on the prescribed court date set by the judge. 

Bail, however, can be set very high by the judge particularly if the defendant has committed serious felony crimes or can be a danger to the public. This would also prevent dangerous criminals from roaming the streets. Since bail needs to be posted before getting out, most people who can’t afford the prescribed amount can seek help from a bondsman who offers a Denver jail bond. This is known as a Bail bond which is a surety or agreement wherein the bondsman will pay the bail on behalf of the accused on the condition that they will appear on the court date.  

Typically, a bail bondsman would charge a non-refundable fee of around 10% of the total bail amount. The good thing is that a bail bondsman will make all the necessary arrangements and process the paperwork needed to expedite the release of the defendant from police custody. Since bail bondsmen offer flexible payment terms, they accept collateral payments such as valuable assets or properties which will be returned once the fee has been paid. Most people would think that if the bail has been paid, they would automatically get out of jail. In reality, each jail has a different processing time and a good bail bondsman with years of experience in Denver bonds will walk you through the process and ensure that all needed documents are prepared with utmost care to speed up the process the right way.

After the bail process has been done, the defendant can go back to their everyday life and just appear in court during their prescribed court date. Bailing out through Denver bonds is important, particularly for those people who have jobs that they need to keep or children to take care of. Some might also need a Denver jail bond to get out of jail fast due to medical reasons. 

Trial proceedings can take weeks or even months depending on the case, but what if during an unfortunate event, the defendant dies while on Denver bonds? During these kinds of situations, the bail bond will be canceled upon submission of his proof of death. In cases involving collaterals, all collaterals will be returned to the owner. However, the fee paid for the bail bondsman services will not be refunded as this is considered the payment for the services rendered during the bail process.