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The teenage years are one of the challenging phases in our lifetime. When a child enters their teen years, it can mean trouble with the law when sometimes a cold gets involved in the wrong type of activities. Teen crimes or juvenile crime occurs when an individual under the age of majority acts against the law. An offender of a juvenile crime can be placed in a detention center designed for minors, a government-run correctional camp, or an adult correctional facility, depending on the crime committed. Minor offenses of juveniles might also be released to the custody of a parent or legal guardian.

In the US, minors arrested for juvenile crime are usually given a Notice to Appear. This notice can be sent home with the child upon release or it can be mailed. The Notice to Appear lists where the offender must report, as well as the time and date, and it details what statute the minor is being charged with violating. Most states have laws regarding when the Notice to Appear must be sent, which can range from five days before the hearing date for offenders who are in custody, to 10 days before the hearing for juveniles who have been released to a parent or guardian. If you are looking for bail bonds in Denver Colorado, check out 24 hour bail bonds Denver Co.

Here are some of the common crimes that juveniles get accused of committing, as well as how bail bonds in Denver Colorado can help if your child is in trouble.

  1. Damaging a mailbox
  2. Graffiti or tagging
  3. Slashing tires
  4. Violating curfew
  5. Disturbing the peace
  6. Littering
  7. Loitering
  8. Operating a vehicle without a license
  9. Shoplifting
  10. Trespassing
  11. Forgery
  12. Processing a weapon
  13. Using fake ID

There are more juvenile crimes and as parents, you probably can’t imagine your child ever participating in them. Some of these may seem like harmless childhood fun or pranks but being aware and informed of the many things adolescents and teens can get in before receiving a call from the police saying they have picked your child, would give you a lot of ideas. 

If your child has been accused of committing any of the offenses above mentioned, go to a 24 hour bail bonds Denver CO and they will help you including inmate locator Denver. With the help of bondsman Denver CO, the proceedings can be as smooth as possible.

Juvenile Court System

  • Citation or Custody

A child will be either issued a citation or taken into juvenile custody depending on the level of the crime.

  • Assessment

A juvenile probation officer will accept a child’s case. He or she will assess the level of risk. If the risk is low, the child may be sent home with the parents. But if the risk is elevated, the child will be held in a juvenile detention center.

  • First Hearing

The child will appear before a judge in the juvenile court system within 24 hours of being taken into custody. At the hearing, the judge will determine whether the child should receive alternative sentencing or be tried as an adult.

  • Second Hearing

After the first hearing, the child will appear at another hearing and the judge will make a ruling on whether your child is delinquent. If not, the child will likely receive a probationary sentence. If so the judge will set the parameters for the length of the child’s stay in a juvenile detention center.

Juvenile Probation

A juvenile probation is also known as youth probation, a court-imposed intervention during which young people remain at home under the supervision of a juvenile probation officer. While on probation, young people are typically required to adhere to the rules and conditions included in their probation orders such as curfews, random searches, and prohibitions on who they may associate with, and to check in regularly with their probation officers, participate in mandatory meetings, perform community service or pay restitution. 

When it comes to the difference between an adult criminal court and a juvenile delinquency court, one of the key differences is the involvement of the Probation Department. In adult criminal court, typically only those convicted of felony-level offenses are placed on supervised probation. The probation officer typically only becomes involved in the court process when the defendant is alleged to have violated probation. On the other hand, probation officers are closely involved in all stages of the juvenile delinquency court process. Most minors who are declared wards of the court are placed on supervised probation and are expected to commit no violations during the probation term. Any violation can lead to the minor being taken into custody and even having their grant of probation revoked. If you are looking for assistance to get things done, go to a bondsman Denver CO they can also check on your behalf through inmate locator Denver.

During court proceedings

Probation officers play critical roles once a case is heard in Juvenile Court. The judge will ask for input at the minor’s first appearance in court, also referred to as a detention hearing, where the judge may decide to release the minor to the custody of his or her parents. The probation officer will prepare a report and will make recommendations that are often critically important to any resolution that is reached between the prosecution and the defense. If the minor is released to the custody of the parents, the probation officer will closely monitor the minor to ensure the minor is following the terms and conditions of release and will report any violation to the court.

Role of Family during the probation period

Parents and other family members and caring adults are the most important influences in adolescent’s lives. The ties between young people and their family members and other supportive adults, even when damaged or strained, are essential for healthy development. If the probation officers positively engage with parents and other supportive adults in a young person’s life to support the youth, the youth is more likely to succeed.

Fines associated with juvenile probation

Family members are often required to pay fines and fees related to their children’s probation cases. In addition, the average duration of probation varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, from less than one year to over two years. This probationary period is longer than experts recommend.